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Home Office Study

Supplier Evaluation Feedback

Thanks for completing this supplier / client evaluation on behalf of Traffic Management Training Pty Ltd. Your responses, feedback and opinions are very valuable to us.

We guarantee your privacy and your information will not be shared with any 3rd parties, it is for our internal use only and for ASQA audit purposes. You can choose to remain anonymous if you prefer. This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

Your feedback will will play an important role in developing the quality of training and assessment at this organisation.

Which courses have you booked through TMT Training? You can select mulitple.

Scoring method

Please use this scale to evaluation the following questions where a score is required with 5 being the highest score:

  1. Strongly disagree

  2. Disagree

  3. Neutral

  4. Agree

  5. Strongly agree

Were you satisfied with the training provided by TMT?
Were you satisfied with the booking process?
Were you satisfied with the customer service experience dealing with administration?
The training organisation was flexible enough to meet our needs.
The training organisation dealt satisfactorily with any issues or complaints.
Were you satisfied with the quality of training and/or assessment provided by TMT?
Do you feel the trainer/s were effective in their teaching/training?
Trainers had good knowledge and experience of the industry.
Trainers were able to relate material to the workplace.
The trainer/s had good knowledge and experience of the industry?
Has your participant or worker benefited from the training given?
The training resources provided were appropriate for participants.
Do you feel the skills obtained through the training courses you booked were relevant to the workers role?
The training had a good mix of theory and practice.
Assessments were based on realistic activities.
The training organisation gave appropriate recognition of existing knowledge and skills.
Assessment was at an appropriate standard.
The training focused on relevant skills.
The training reflected current practice.
The training was effectively integrated into our organisation.
The training prepared employees well for work.
Our employees gained the skills & knowledge they needed from this training.
The training prepared our employees and participants for the demands of work.
The training used up-to-date equipment, facilities and materials.
The way employees were assessed was a fair test of their skills and knowledge.
The training organisation provided good support for workplace training and assessment.
The training organisation clearly explained what was expected from employers.
Do you feel the prices set for training were appropriate and affordable.
The training was an effective investment.
Would you consider upskilling more of your workers or clients in future?
Would you like more information about any other courses we offer? You can tick multiple boxes.
We would recommend TMT Training service to others.
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